Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Library Book Display

I don't know about all of you, but I find that I spend a lot of time browsing books at the library and choosing ones that I really think my students will like, only to have them take a look at one or two and never read them.  I have found, however, if I display the books, my students are more likely to check them out.  

This is one of my favorite ways to organize & display library books.  
This is a wire dish rack that I bought at Walmart.  Two-three books fit nicely between each rung on the rack.  If you have a check out system, you can use the sponge holder to hold the student check out cards or sticks.  
Here is a side view of the display:  
This display is also nice because it keeps the library books separate from your classroom books.  Many times I find an overdue book in one of my classroom library book bins.  I love organization, but I'm not an organizer, so this really me helped with that!


  1. I may have to try this. I've tried the wire baskets but they scratch the shelves. With the dish drainer there are plastic feet...WalMart...here I come.

    Question- Do you have a checkout system? Last year I just let the kids take books from my classroom library and I found there was more book damage than I remembered in the past...so this year each student will write the title/their name when taken a book from from library.

    A Time to Share & Create

  2. I really like this idea and the wire rack looks so pretty too. Thank you so much for sharing!
    Ladybug's Teacher Files

  3. You are so right-my students are much more willing to check out books that are displayed that just shelved in the library. I take some of my books and put them on the white board ledge after doing book commericals and the kids all scramble to get them first!

  4. Great idea! Walmart, here I come! :-)


  5. I so love this idea!!! I agree....if I stand the books up around the classroom, they're gone by the end of the day:) I'll be trying this:)

    4th Grade Frolics

  6. LOVE!!! I have to have 1 or 2 of these for my classroom library!
    How About Them Apples
